2011 Labor Day Association History
The theme was “125 Years of Solidarity”
The theme was “125 Years of Solidarity”
Weather was Very Hot and Bright. Friday and Saturday Temperatures were over 100 degrees.
The Labor Day Association was proud again to host the Official Indiana State Picking and Fiddling Championships at our Celebration this year.
Steve Shofstall was the Labor Day Photographer.
Mac Group of Evansville, Indiana placed all our advertising for Radio and TV.
Parade Grand Marshall was Nancy Guyott IN State AFL-CIO President.
James Green was our Sunday speaker. He talked about “Death in the Haymarket”, his new book.
American Advertising of Boonville, Indiana did both the Commemorative and Volunteers T-Shirts.
Warrick Publishing again produced an event Brochure that was handed out.
Sign Posts of Ft. Branch, IN, did the arena signs for the Celebration.
Labor Day Association dues are $2.00 per working member.
Brady Amusements of Newburgh, Indiana had the Carnival rides.
2011 Labor Day Queen
Kennedy Christ, 18 year old of Princeton, Indiana.
2011 Parade Awards
Mayor’s Award – Princeton High School Band
Parade Grand Marshall’s Award – UA # 136
Parade Chairman’s Award – Insulators # 37
President’s Award – Millwrights # 1080
Vice President’s Award – Ironworkers # 103
Treasurer’s Award – UTU # 490
Recording Secretary’s Award – Carpenters # 90
Attendance Over 100 – Teamsters # 215
Attendance Under 100 – IBEW # 1395
Motor Vehicle Award – Elevator Constructors # 3
Labor Day Association Award – Operating Engineers # 181
Labor Day Award – Boilermakers # 374
Best non Commercial Float – IBEW # 1393
Best Commercial Float – IBEW # 702
Best Band – Boonville High School
Best Marching Unit – Pike Central
John L. Lewis Award – UMWA # 9926
Roy Mabrey Award – IBEW # 16
Tommie Blaylock Award – USW # 104
Gary Wheaton Award – UMWA # 1907
Gary Fritz Award – UMWA # 1180
Veteran’s Award – UMWA # 5179
Armed Forces Award – Sheetmetal # 20
Parade Grand Marshall’s Award – UA # 136
Parade Chairman’s Award – Insulators # 37
President’s Award – Millwrights # 1080
Vice President’s Award – Ironworkers # 103
Treasurer’s Award – UTU # 490
Recording Secretary’s Award – Carpenters # 90
Attendance Over 100 – Teamsters # 215
Attendance Under 100 – IBEW # 1395
Motor Vehicle Award – Elevator Constructors # 3
Labor Day Association Award – Operating Engineers # 181
Labor Day Award – Boilermakers # 374
Best non Commercial Float – IBEW # 1393
Best Commercial Float – IBEW # 702
Best Band – Boonville High School
Best Marching Unit – Pike Central
John L. Lewis Award – UMWA # 9926
Roy Mabrey Award – IBEW # 16
Tommie Blaylock Award – USW # 104
Gary Wheaton Award – UMWA # 1907
Gary Fritz Award – UMWA # 1180
Veteran’s Award – UMWA # 5179
Armed Forces Award – Sheetmetal # 20
2011 Parade Lineup
Princeton City Police
Young Marines–Color Guard
Princeton Mayor–Bob Hurst
Princeton Area Fire Department
2011 Grand Marshall–Indiana State AFL-CIO President-Nancy Guyott
2011 Labor Day Association President–Charlie Wyatt
2011 Labor Day Association Vice President–Brad Hampton
2011 Labor Day Association Treasurer–John Wright
2011Labor Day Association Recording Secretary–Kim Musgrave
2011 Labor Day Queen–Kennedy Christy
2011 Labor Day Association Jr. Miss (ages 12-15)–Gina Wahl
2011 Labor Day Association Jr. Miss (ages 9-11)–Sydney Davis
2011 Labor Day Association Little Miss–Jodie Overton
2011 Labor Day Association Little Mister–Maverick Whetstone
Princeton Area Firefighters # 1634
Boonville City Firefighters # 4850
Evansville City Firefighters # 357
USW # 104
Boonville High School Marching Band
USW # 115
USW # 331
USW # 525
USW # 1999
USW # 2818
USW # 9423
USW # 9443
IBEW # 16
IBEW # 702
Princeton High School Marching Band
IBEW # 1393
Pike Central High School Marching Band
IBEW # 1395
Bricklayers # 4
UFCW # 227
UFCW # 700
Cement Masons # 692
Sheet Metal Workers # 20
Boilermakers # 374
UMWA # 1189
UMWA # 1791
UMWA # 1907
UMWA # 4343
UMWA # 5179
Tecumseh High School Marching Band
UMWA # 9926
Insulators # 37
UTU # 490
Teamsters # 215
Teamsters # 571M
Teamsters # 710
BLET # 343
Carpenters # 90
Carpenters # 546
Millwrights # 1080
Operating Engineers # 181
Roofers # 106
CWA # 4700
CWA # 4900
Laborers # 561
Iron Workers # 103
Elevator Constructors # 3
Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
Road Sprinkler Fitters # 669
UAW # 3044
UAW # 3048
UAW # 3059
UAW # 9212
IUE/CWA # 808
IUE/CWA # 848
IUE/CWA # 859
Painters # 156
Glaziers # 1165
AFSCME Council 62
IAM # 153
1st Runner up Miss Gibson County–Emily Cassada
Kinsley Heichelbech
Princeton City Council Members
John Gregg candidate for Indiana Governor
Gibson County Democrats
L/CPL James E. Brown & Young Marines
2011 Owensville Watermelon Jr. Miss–Mikayla Keen
2011 Owensville Watermelon Queen–Dakota Conklin
Dave Crooks candidate for 8th District Representative
Bread of Life Ministry inc.
Vanderburgh County Democrats
Gibson County Historical Society
2011 Gibson County Jr. Miss Court
2011 Gibson County Jr. Miss–Abby Goings
Hwy 64 Garage
Big Mike’s Mobile Car Wash
Rainbow Girls
1st Baptist MOPS
Tom Fogg
White’s School of Martial Arts
Terry White candidate for 8th District Representative
World’s Ultimate Beauties
Warrick County Democrats
Boonville Mayor–Pam Hendrickson
Rosanne Spindler–Mrs.Indiana 2011
Mt. Olympus 4-H Club
2011 Gibson County Little Miss–Juliet Wihite
Hugh Wirth candidate for Oakland City, IN Mayor
Brenda G. Willis–Clerk Treasurer of Oakland City, IN
Salvation Army
2011 Owensville Little Miss–Madelyn Galindo
Bledsoe for Commissioner
Bethel Memorial Church
Princeton Community High School
2011 Jr. Miss Sweet Corn–Madison Dischinger
Jack Pichett’s Towing & Recovery
Mindy Brines–candidate for Princeton Clerk Treasurer
Sherry Smith–candidate for Princeton Mayor
Gibson County Antique Machinery Association
Kristi Risk for 8th District Representative
Young Marines–Color Guard
Princeton Mayor–Bob Hurst
Princeton Area Fire Department
2011 Grand Marshall–Indiana State AFL-CIO President-Nancy Guyott
2011 Labor Day Association President–Charlie Wyatt
2011 Labor Day Association Vice President–Brad Hampton
2011 Labor Day Association Treasurer–John Wright
2011Labor Day Association Recording Secretary–Kim Musgrave
2011 Labor Day Queen–Kennedy Christy
2011 Labor Day Association Jr. Miss (ages 12-15)–Gina Wahl
2011 Labor Day Association Jr. Miss (ages 9-11)–Sydney Davis
2011 Labor Day Association Little Miss–Jodie Overton
2011 Labor Day Association Little Mister–Maverick Whetstone
Princeton Area Firefighters # 1634
Boonville City Firefighters # 4850
Evansville City Firefighters # 357
USW # 104
Boonville High School Marching Band
USW # 115
USW # 331
USW # 525
USW # 1999
USW # 2818
USW # 9423
USW # 9443
IBEW # 16
IBEW # 702
Princeton High School Marching Band
IBEW # 1393
Pike Central High School Marching Band
IBEW # 1395
Bricklayers # 4
UFCW # 227
UFCW # 700
Cement Masons # 692
Sheet Metal Workers # 20
Boilermakers # 374
UMWA # 1189
UMWA # 1791
UMWA # 1907
UMWA # 4343
UMWA # 5179
Tecumseh High School Marching Band
UMWA # 9926
Insulators # 37
UTU # 490
Teamsters # 215
Teamsters # 571M
Teamsters # 710
BLET # 343
Carpenters # 90
Carpenters # 546
Millwrights # 1080
Operating Engineers # 181
Roofers # 106
CWA # 4700
CWA # 4900
Laborers # 561
Iron Workers # 103
Elevator Constructors # 3
Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
Road Sprinkler Fitters # 669
UAW # 3044
UAW # 3048
UAW # 3059
UAW # 9212
IUE/CWA # 808
IUE/CWA # 848
IUE/CWA # 859
Painters # 156
Glaziers # 1165
AFSCME Council 62
IAM # 153
1st Runner up Miss Gibson County–Emily Cassada
Kinsley Heichelbech
Princeton City Council Members
John Gregg candidate for Indiana Governor
Gibson County Democrats
L/CPL James E. Brown & Young Marines
2011 Owensville Watermelon Jr. Miss–Mikayla Keen
2011 Owensville Watermelon Queen–Dakota Conklin
Dave Crooks candidate for 8th District Representative
Bread of Life Ministry inc.
Vanderburgh County Democrats
Gibson County Historical Society
2011 Gibson County Jr. Miss Court
2011 Gibson County Jr. Miss–Abby Goings
Hwy 64 Garage
Big Mike’s Mobile Car Wash
Rainbow Girls
1st Baptist MOPS
Tom Fogg
White’s School of Martial Arts
Terry White candidate for 8th District Representative
World’s Ultimate Beauties
Warrick County Democrats
Boonville Mayor–Pam Hendrickson
Rosanne Spindler–Mrs.Indiana 2011
Mt. Olympus 4-H Club
2011 Gibson County Little Miss–Juliet Wihite
Hugh Wirth candidate for Oakland City, IN Mayor
Brenda G. Willis–Clerk Treasurer of Oakland City, IN
Salvation Army
2011 Owensville Little Miss–Madelyn Galindo
Bledsoe for Commissioner
Bethel Memorial Church
Princeton Community High School
2011 Jr. Miss Sweet Corn–Madison Dischinger
Jack Pichett’s Towing & Recovery
Mindy Brines–candidate for Princeton Clerk Treasurer
Sherry Smith–candidate for Princeton Mayor
Gibson County Antique Machinery Association
Kristi Risk for 8th District Representative
2011 Labor Day Association Delegates and Volunteers
Boonville Firefighters # 4850
Steve Byers
Jonathan Haire
Boilermakers # 374
Steve Hurm
Kenny Cushard
Carpenters # 90
Andy Carr
Marvin Bryer
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 16
Pat Stutsman
Kim Musgrave
Terry Bennett
Greg Ward
Rick Vincent
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 702
Jim Dimmett
Don Feagley
Wendall Martin
Lyle Martin
Ernest Embrey
Scott Raney
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1393
Jeff Doan
Charlie Reed
Dan Wolf
Mark Norton
Mark Gottnot
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1395
Mike Lutz
Insulators # 37
Brad Hampton
Tim Dau
Mark Denton
Gared Seymour
Scott Hunt
Jay Rich
Jim Bough
Rick Harris
Laborers # 561
Tonya Pardue
Millwrights # 1080
Brian Fields
Bruce Fields
David Lewis
Anita Lewis
Cameron Richardson
Cindy Watkins
Brad Weber
Benny Michel
Brad Smith
James “Wormy” Elliott
Charlie Robinson
Operating Engineers # 181
Bobby Ausbooks
James Amick
Rick Grider
William Selzer
Painters # 156
Steve Shofstall
Steve Pardue
Kara Venson
Jeri Hershey
Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
Brenda Vincent
Sheet Metal Workers # 20
Jimmy Jones
John Wright
Dave Johnson
Mark Riley
Vera Moore
Terri Hayes
United Auto Workers # 3048
Garry Kaysinger
Chris Mount
Gloria Moya
United Mine Workers of America # 1189
Leon Oxley
Bil Musgrave
United Mine Workers of America # 4343
Steve Bottoms
United Mine Workers of America # 5179
Larry Robling
Joe Spurgeon
Dale Beadles
United Mine Workers of America # 9926
Gary Fritz
Bill Skelton
Carl Shomate
DeWayne Hume
United Steelworkers of America # 104
Charlie Wyatt
Norm Adams
Ralph Myers
Joe Moog
Kerry Weitkamp
Doug Boyer
Raymond Dunn
Mike Polk
Ed Butch
Tom Miller
Ted Stahl
Donna Stahl
Tommie R. Miller
Mike Austin
Alan Wangler
Jimmy Walker
Jim Schweikarth
Terry Payne
Chris Horn
Cheryl Dau
All Others
Jane Wyatt
Liz Franz
Angie Bough
Steve Byers
Jonathan Haire
Boilermakers # 374
Steve Hurm
Kenny Cushard
Carpenters # 90
Andy Carr
Marvin Bryer
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 16
Pat Stutsman
Kim Musgrave
Terry Bennett
Greg Ward
Rick Vincent
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 702
Jim Dimmett
Don Feagley
Wendall Martin
Lyle Martin
Ernest Embrey
Scott Raney
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1393
Jeff Doan
Charlie Reed
Dan Wolf
Mark Norton
Mark Gottnot
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1395
Mike Lutz
Insulators # 37
Brad Hampton
Tim Dau
Mark Denton
Gared Seymour
Scott Hunt
Jay Rich
Jim Bough
Rick Harris
Laborers # 561
Tonya Pardue
Millwrights # 1080
Brian Fields
Bruce Fields
David Lewis
Anita Lewis
Cameron Richardson
Cindy Watkins
Brad Weber
Benny Michel
Brad Smith
James “Wormy” Elliott
Charlie Robinson
Operating Engineers # 181
Bobby Ausbooks
James Amick
Rick Grider
William Selzer
Painters # 156
Steve Shofstall
Steve Pardue
Kara Venson
Jeri Hershey
Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
Brenda Vincent
Sheet Metal Workers # 20
Jimmy Jones
John Wright
Dave Johnson
Mark Riley
Vera Moore
Terri Hayes
United Auto Workers # 3048
Garry Kaysinger
Chris Mount
Gloria Moya
United Mine Workers of America # 1189
Leon Oxley
Bil Musgrave
United Mine Workers of America # 4343
Steve Bottoms
United Mine Workers of America # 5179
Larry Robling
Joe Spurgeon
Dale Beadles
United Mine Workers of America # 9926
Gary Fritz
Bill Skelton
Carl Shomate
DeWayne Hume
United Steelworkers of America # 104
Charlie Wyatt
Norm Adams
Ralph Myers
Joe Moog
Kerry Weitkamp
Doug Boyer
Raymond Dunn
Mike Polk
Ed Butch
Tom Miller
Ted Stahl
Donna Stahl
Tommie R. Miller
Mike Austin
Alan Wangler
Jimmy Walker
Jim Schweikarth
Terry Payne
Chris Horn
Cheryl Dau
All Others
Jane Wyatt
Liz Franz
Angie Bough