107th Labor Day Celebration
September 3 – September 6, 1993
Vanderburgh County 4-H Fairgrounds, Evansville, IN
September 3 – September 6, 1993
Vanderburgh County 4-H Fairgrounds, Evansville, IN
Friday – September 3, 1993
5:00 PM
Carnival Rides Fair Grounds Charlie Wyatt 812-897-5074
Qualification for Motorcycle Race Grandstand Gary Fritz 812-749-4530
7:00 PM
Qualification for Motorcycle Race Grandstand Gary Fritz 812-749-4530
7:00 PM
Horse Show Horse Arena John Peveler 502-729-4119
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Motorcycle Race Grandstand Gary Fritz 812-749-4530
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
Fireworks South of Grandstand Bobby Joe Smith 812-362-7662
Saturday – September 4, 1993
Saturday – September 4, 1993
9:00 AM
Craft Show Commercial Building Alan Elzer 812-897-4639
Class A Softball Tourney Scott Township Ball field Max Lamar 812-897-4626
10:00 AM
Class A Softball Tourney Scott Township Ball field Max Lamar 812-897-4626
10:00 AM
Local Unions Softball Tourney Fairgrounds Neil Riley
Golf Tourney Fendrich Golf Course Clyde Mears 812-423-0184
11:00 AM
Golf Tourney Fendrich Golf Course Clyde Mears 812-423-0184
11:00 AM
Talent Show Outside Pavilion Bobby Joe Smith 812-362-7662
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
Children’s Events Fairgrounds Mark Norton 812-386-7835
Garden Tractor Pulls; Grandstand Dan Wilzbacher 812-768-5721
Jr. Miss Contest ages 9-11 and 12-1 Activities Buildin Shirlene Buse 812-536-2497
1:00 PM
Garden Tractor Pulls; Grandstand Dan Wilzbacher 812-768-5721
Jr. Miss Contest ages 9-11 and 12-1 Activities Buildin Shirlene Buse 812-536-2497
1:00 PM
Washer Pitch Fairgrounds John Branson 812-853-3326
Open Horse Show Horse Arena John Peveler 502-729-4119
3:00 PM
Open Horse Show Horse Arena John Peveler 502-729-4119
3:00 PM
Little Miss Contest Activities Building Pattie Young 812-749-4722
Little Mister Contest Activities Building Pattie Young
6:00 PM
Little Mister Contest Activities Building Pattie Young
6:00 PM
Queen Contest Activities Building Gary Fritz 812-749-4530
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Big Foot Monster Truck Show Grandstand Bob Lacey 812-422-6044
Sunday – September 5, 1993
9:00 AM
Craft Show Commercial Building Alan Elzer 812-897-4638
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Car Show & Swap Meet Fairgrounds John “Haunsie” Dewig 812-768-6263
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Gospel Sing Auditorium Jeff Chapman 812-925-3155
Horse Show Pitch Fairgrounds Donnie Copeland 812-362-8570
3:00 PM
Horse Show Pitch Fairgrounds Donnie Copeland 812-362-8570
3:00 PM
Talent Show Outside Pavilion Bobby Joe Smith 812-362-7662
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Demolition Derby Grandstand Bob Stock 812-424-1184
Monday – September 6, 1993
8:45 AM
F16 Jet Fighter flyby Indiana Air Guard Bobby Joe Smith 812-362-7662
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Parade Evansville Civic Center Paul Green 812-749-6367
1:45 PM
1:45 PM
Sky Divers from Carmi, Illinois Grandstand Bobby Joe Smith 812-362-7662
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Labor Rally Grandstand Tommy Blaylock 812-897-3868
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
Labor Day Battle Grandstand Steve Drew 812-789-2156