Labor Day Association 1975 Supporters
We want to thank all who had anything to do with putting on The Celebration in Petersburg, Indiana. We appreciate all participants who assisted with an event that honors all working men and women in the tri-state. Abraham Lincoln said “Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never existed if labor had not first existed.” Happy Labor Day!!!
1975 Labor Day Association Members The labor unions listed below are the dues paying members of the 89-year-old Labor Day Association. By becoming, a member they are involved in the planning of the event. They also pay dues to belong, and this raises the capital needed to help put on The Celebration. By joining, they receive certain privileges during the 4-day event other’s do not enjoy. This group is the heart and soul of The Association, as their members are also the volunteers who put on The Celebration.We have 33 different international unions represented by the 70 local unions that pay dues to the Association. We have a lot of talent and skills in the Association that are needed to put on the Celebration, whether we are in Boonville, Princeton, or Evansville, Indiana. |
1975 Organized Labor Supporters This group is made up of the unions and union affiliates who are not dues paying members of The Association, but still support The Celebration. They donate money, services and many display a 4′ X 8′ arena sign saluting The Celebration. |
1975 Supporters Those listed below contributed to The Labor Day Association’s Celebration. They donated money, services, and they too might have a 4′ x 8′ arena sign displayed over the 4-day event. |