78th Labor Day Celebration
September 5 – September 7, 1964
Gibson County 4-H Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN
Saturday – September 5, 1964
Labor Day Queen Pageant
Tractor Pull
Sunday – September 6, 1964
Scared Services Ray Gore
William Nix
Fred Wolving
Speakers Rev. Alton Davis
Boonville, IN
Rev. Lawrence Cury
Amatuer Talent Contest Clyde Donelson
Otho Hubbell
Mary Wilhite
Monday – September 7, 1964
Parade Parade Marshall
Lee Hart
Speakers Louis Gieselman
Gerald Hubbell
George Perry
Dallas Sells,
President Indiana State
Ernest Goad,
President District #11
of the United Mine Workers
of America
Horse Show Arman Graper
Herb Phelps
Louis Gieselman
Carnival Rides Fiesta Rides
Sponsored by The Labor Day Association
