1923 History
Monday September 3, 1923
Mesker Park, Evansville Indiana

Weather — Good
Attendance — 10,000

The Evansville, Indiana Central Labor Union and Henderson Ky. Unions joined for a Celebration.
There was a large delegation of working men and their families who attended the Celebration

A Parade was held in the morning with 65 unions involved. There were speakers in the afternoon and
they attracted a large crowd. The Speakers were: Charles Fox of Indianapolis, Indiana, he is the former
President of the Indiana State Federation of Labor. Thomas Hudson of Brasil, Indiana is the Vice-president
of the Brick & Clay Workers Union. Lonnie Jackson of Central City, Ky. Is the President of UMWA District # 23.

Games and contests were played during the afternoon for all to enjoy.

1923 Parade Lineup
Color Guard
Evansville Mayor — William H. Elmendorf
Evansville City Council
Evansville Police Department
Evansville Fire Department
Labor Day Association Officers;
President —
Vice President —
Treasurer —
Recording Secretary —
Speaker Carriages:
Charles Fox of Indianapolis, Indiana
Tom Hudson of Brasil, Indiana
Lonnie Jackson of Central City, Kentucky

65 Labor Unions:
followed by floats

Parade Route
The Parade will start at 9:00 am
