1921 History
Monday September 5, 1921
Hornady Park, Petersburg, Indiana

Weather — Good
Attendance — 8,000 to 10,000

There were several Labor Day Celebrations this year: Evansville, Boonville, Ft. Branch and Rockport, Indiana.

Petersburg had boxing, wrestling matches as well as running races. There was also an automobile race with
6 heats. John Johnson of Petersburg won the 1st two heats. Tinsley of Louisville picked up 3rd race and Ball
of Bardstown nailed down 4th. Davidson of Petersburg, Studor of Huntingburgh and Knowles of Vincennes
divided 5th place money.

There were over 2,000 automobile on the fairgrounds.

1921 Parade Lineup
Color Guard
Bruceville Band
Peterburg Mayor —
Petersburg City Council
Petersburg Police Department
Petersburg Fire Department
Labor Day Association Officers;
President — Elmer Whitman
Vice President —
Treasurer —
Recording Secretary —
Speaker Carriages:
Edgar Marynell
J. Dillion of Indianapolis, Indiana
William Schmitt of Terra Haute, Indiana
William Mitch of Terra Haute, Indiana
Labor Unions;
Retail Clerks
UMWA Locals
followed by
C. H. Carlisle Ford Dealership
Walter’s Concrete Factory
Mining Hart Ice Company
Wilkinson Lumber
Elkins the Tinner
G. N. Sims & Sons music dealer
Carroll & Company Miners
Flemming Brothers auto dealer
long tine of autos

Parade Route
The Parade will start at 11:00 am
The Parade will stat at Main Street and follow to the fairgrounds.
