1903 History
Monday, September 7, 1903
Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, Indiana

The Labor Day Celebration will be held on Monday of the Gibson County Fair.
The Fair allows the Labor Day Celebration to have its event on Monday of the Gibson
County Fair. The Labor Day Association plans its own additional events.

Many exhibits, amusements, and FREE attractions will be offered.

There will be a band of genuine American Indians that will camp on the Gibson
fairgrounds. They will give a FREE exhibit each day; Grand Powwow, the Snake dance, War dance will be featured

The Kennedy Wild West Hippodrome & Congress of Rough Riders will preform FREE for all.

Races will be featured; Hurdle races, Roman Hippdrome, Roman Chariot races,
racing Greyhounds, Harness & Trotter races.

Admission was free to the grounds.

1903 Parade Line up
Princeton Mayor — Charles W White
Princeton City Council
Gibson County Officials
Princeton Platoon of Police
Princeton Fire Fighters

1903 Parade map
Start at Princeton Fairgrounds and travel East to Taylor’s Store
then South to the Public Square
then West to the E. & T. H. railroad
then East on Main Cross Street to Public Square
then North to Taylor’s Store
and back to West to Fairgrounds

1903 Schedule of Events
Monday – September 7, 1903
10:45 AM Parade

1903 Union Supporters

1903 Supporters

In Mt. Carmel, Illinois and Vincennes, Indiana there were other Labor Day Celebrations.
In Vincennes the Honorable F. B. Posey of Evansville, Indiana delivered the
principal Labor Day address.
