2003 Labor Day Association History
We changed Web Masters this year, Bryan Law will take over from Donnie Walker. Donnie has put a lot of time & energy into the website but now has to look into his other business interests. The Association would like to “Thank” him for his talents and direction. Bryan Law works out of the UMWA International Office in Washington DC. As part of his duties he oversees their website and has a real love for Labor History.
Parade CO Grand Marshalls –
Bobby Joe Smith, past Labor Day President.
Bob Nix, past Labor Day President.
Jerry Payne, Indiana State AFL-CIO Treasurer.
D & P Amusements of Newburgh, Indiana will provide the Carnival Rides.
Julie Shofstaff will be the Labor Day Photographer.
Warrick Publishing is going to have an event brochure for the Celebration this year.
Market & Company placed all Radio & TV ads for the Celebration.
Creative Signs will do the arena signs for the Celebration.
American Advertising of Boonville, Indiana will do the Commemorative & Volunteer T-Shirts.
Labor Day Association dues are $2.00 per working member.
The theme was “American Unions Supporting all Who Serve”
2003 Labor Day Queen
Chelsa Cannon, 18 year old of Petersburg, Indiana.
2003 Labor Day Parade Awards
Mayor’s Award – APWIU # 347
Parade Marshall’s Award – Boilermakers # 374
Parade Chairman’s Award – Teamsters # 215
President’s Award – Operating Engineers # 181
Vice-President’s Award – IBEW # 702
Treasurer’s Award – Laborers # 561
Recording Secretary’s Award – IUE # 808
Attendance over 100 Award – USWA # 104
Attendance under 100 Award – Unity Team # 9212
Motor Vehicle Award – Boonville MASH Unit
Labor Day Award – GCWIU # 571M
Labor Day Association Award – IBEW # 16
Best Commercial Float Award – USWA # 104
Best Non-Commercial Float Award – Ironworkers # 103
Best Band Award – Boonville High School Band
Best Marching Unit Award – Princeton High School Band
John L. Lewis Award – UMWA # 9926
Roy H. Mabrey Award – Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
Tommie A. Blaylock Award – USWA # 112
Gary Fritz Award – IBEW # 1393
Gary Wheaton Award – UMWA # 1189
Veteran’s Award – VFW # 3418 Boonville, Indiana
Armed Forces’ Award – Carpenters # 90
2003 Labor Day Association Delegates
American Postal Workers # 347
Carla Pendergrass,
Sam Cranford
Asbestos Workers # 37
Brad Hampton
Bricklayers # 4
Tim Borman
Boilermakers # 374
Dave Memmer,
Frank Reich,
Larry Schmitt,
Mark Snedeker,
Richard Hubbs,
Trent Peaison
Graphic Communication Workers International Union # 571M
Bob Lacey,
Danny Beard,
Jeff Sumner
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 16
Kim Musgrave,
Daniel Wolf,
Mike Herron,
Gary Stute,
Rick Vincent,
Kris Weist,
Paul Green,
Greg Ward
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 702
Wendel Martin
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1393
Charlie Reed,
Ernie Colbert,
Mark Norton
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1395
Steve Drew
International Union of Electrical Workers # 808
Bill Fambrough,
Jeff Chapman,
Jeff Schapker
Ironworkers # 103
Shad Ricketts
Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
Brenda Vincent,
Charlie Kirsch,
Kenny Tillman,
Ron Kurzendoerfer
United Auto Workers & American Federation of Teachers # 9212
Doug McMurtry,
Wayne Atkinson
Sheet Metal Workers # 20
Darrin Maxey,
Mark Riley
United Mine Workers of America # 1189
Bill Musgrave
United Mine Workers of America # 4343
Steve Miller
United Mine Workers of America # 9926
Don Stephens,
Elwood Christmas
United Steel Workers of America # 104
Alan Wangler,
Bill Stuteville,
Bobby Joe Smith,
Charlie Wyatt,
Dave Bush,
Don Copeland,
Ed Brady
Teamsters # 215
Andrea Newton
Vera Moore
2003 Parade Lineup
Boilermakers # 374
Graphic Communication Workers International Union # 571M
Asbestos Workers # 37
United Steel Workers of America # 331
Bricklayers # 4
United Mine Workers of America # 11
United Mine Workers of America # 1189
United Mine Workers of America # 1397
United Mine Workers of America # 1791
United Mine Workers of America # 1907
United Mine Workers of America # 4343
United Mine Workers of America # 5179
United Mine Workers of America # 9926
United Auto Workers & American Federation of Teachers # 9212
Laborers # 561
Plumbers & Steam Fitters # 136
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 702
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1393
Chemical Workers # 833
United Steel Workers of America # 104
Teamsters # 215
Carpenters # 90
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1392
Teamsters # 710
Operating Engineers # 181
United Steel Workers of America # 112
American Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees # 289
American Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees # 3729
American Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees # 3731
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 16
United Steel Workers of America # 9423
International Union of Electrical Workers # 808
Painters # 156
Elevator Constructors # 3
United Transportation Union # 490
Communication Workers of America # 4900
Sheet Metal Workers # 20
United Auto Workers # 178
American Postal Workers # 347
Princeton Area Fire Fighters # 1634
Roofers # 106
United Steel Workers of America # 119
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers # 1395
National Association of Letter Carriers # 377
