1941 Labor Day Association History
Weather – Intense Heat
Attendance —
Louis Austin, Vice President Of UMWA District # 11 was Master of Ceremonies on Monday
Roscoe McKinney was Master of Ceremonies on Sunday
Chief Parade Marshall was Oscar Tyring
Parade Lineup
VFW # 3418
Boonville Police
Boonville Fire Department
Chief Parade Marshall–Oscar Tyring
Labor Day Association Officers;
President — Harvey Roegetter
Vice President —
Treasurer —
Recording Secretary —
Boonville Mayor– Lafayette Ohaver
Boonville Council members
Speaker Carriages;
Larry Williams
Judge J. Harold Hendrickson
James Terry
B. J. Brown
Reverend Temas Townsend
Local # 4110
UMWA # 3437
UMWA # 5179
UMWA # 5584
UMWA # 7661
UMWA # 7693
Mabel Luther’s Beauty shop
Parade Awards
Best Union Float–1st Place–UMWA # 3437
Best Dressed Union–1st Place–UMWA # 7693
Under 100 Attendance Award–UMWA # 7661
Best Business Float–1st Place–Mabel Luther’s Beauty Shop
Sunday Night’s Amateur Show winners; Prairie Drifters; Joe Day, Vernie Polk, Orval, Parvin Day & Hubert Crow took 1st place over 15 other entries
