1925 Labor Day Association History
Weather – Good
Attendance 6,000
Weather – Good
Attendance 6,000
Tradegy struck the Fairgrounds when Civil War Veteran Isaac Higgins was killed at 1:30 pm when he attempted to cross the race track during the automobile race which was put on by the Petersburg auto club.
Driver Raymond Pickel was speeding along at 40 MPH when the accident happened. Mr. Pickell was arrested and charged with man slaughter but was released on $1,000 bond. The race was held during the Celebration but had been scheduled for August 1-4 but had to be recheduled because of heavy rains.
Driver Raymond Pickel was speeding along at 40 MPH when the accident happened. Mr. Pickell was arrested and charged with man slaughter but was released on $1,000 bond. The race was held during the Celebration but had been scheduled for August 1-4 but had to be recheduled because of heavy rains.
Parade Line-Up
Color Guard
Parade Marshall–
Petersburg Band
Labor Day Association Officers;
Parade Marshall–
Petersburg Band
Labor Day Association Officers;
President–Lee Thurman
Vice President–Jess Loveless
Secretary Treasurer–Thomas Crow
Recording Secretary–William Eastman
Vice President–Jess Loveless
Secretary Treasurer–Thomas Crow
Recording Secretary–William Eastman
William Mitch
James Kelly
Ora Gasaway
Rev. D. M. Mathias
Petersburg Mayor – O. T. Brazelton
Petersburg Fire Truck
Warrick Central Labor Union
UMWA Ayrshire # 8
UMWA # 2343
UMWA # 1244
Boonville Band
UMWA # 5065
UMWA # 1094
UMWA # 1857
UMWA # 187
UMWA # 5 Womens Auxilary
UMWA # 352
UMWA # 754
UMWA # 4371
UMWA # 5179
UMWA # 6669
Braden and Son Harness makers
Whitman Company Grocery
Bert Finney Dairyman
William Mitch
James Kelly
Ora Gasaway
Rev. D. M. Mathias
Petersburg Mayor – O. T. Brazelton
Petersburg Fire Truck
Warrick Central Labor Union
UMWA Ayrshire # 8
UMWA # 2343
UMWA # 1244
Boonville Band
UMWA # 5065
UMWA # 1094
UMWA # 1857
UMWA # 187
UMWA # 5 Womens Auxilary
UMWA # 352
UMWA # 754
UMWA # 4371
UMWA # 5179
UMWA # 6669
Braden and Son Harness makers
Whitman Company Grocery
Bert Finney Dairyman
Parade Awards
Best Decorated Cars – UMWA Local # 5179
Best Showing – UMWA Local # 754
Best Showing – UMWA Local # 754
Boxing Winners Pat Stricul of Louisville, Ky
Young Beard of Evansville, IN
Jessie Cox of Terra Haute, IN
Virgil Borden of Petersburg, IN
Young Beard of Evansville, IN
Jessie Cox of Terra Haute, IN
Virgil Borden of Petersburg, IN
Wrestling Winners
Matt Cooper of Velpen. IN
Mige Humphrey of Petersburg, IN
Mige Humphrey of Petersburg, IN
Horse Race Entries
Hazel Elkins riding Gale
Theresa Mitchell riding Barney
Foster Logan riding Crogan
Oral Elkins riding Jack
Earl Willis riding Rex
Clifford Bradfield riding Maud
Leslie Miley ridin Max
William McGillim riding Celam
Theresa Mitchell riding Barney
Foster Logan riding Crogan
Oral Elkins riding Jack
Earl Willis riding Rex
Clifford Bradfield riding Maud
Leslie Miley ridin Max
William McGillim riding Celam
Horse Race Winners
1st – Clifford Bradfield
2nd – Oral Elkins
3rd – Leslie Miley
2nd – Oral Elkins
3rd – Leslie Miley
Baseball Game Neal Specials won over Evansville Westside Nut Club